You told us…

In June, we sent out The Big Somerset Employer Apprenticeship Survey to help us understand the new ways businesses need to move forward and how we can best support your business.
Employers across Somerset took part, from sectors including schools, childcare, professional services and manufacturing. Thank you – we had a great response and here are the highlights:
· 94% have employed an apprentice
· 39% would be likely to recruit a new apprentice in the next 12 months
· 39% were likely to develop an existing member of staff with an apprenticeship in the next 12 months
· 78% agreed their preferred delivery style is blended learning, (a mix of classroom and distance learning)
· 44% chose business & administration apprenticeships as their area of interest for new apprentices
Dave West, Head of Employer Engagement at SS&L commented, “The results of this survey overwhelmingly indicate that most employers are keen for a blended learning approach to give apprentices the best mix of face to face and remote teaching. Based on this feedback, our delivery model is responding to that need and we will be offering increased blended learning delivery from September, by investing more in our distance learning infrastructure to support our traditional classroom approach.”
We launched this survey prior to the announcement regarding government employer funding incentives, which now provide up to £3,000 to businesses for each new apprentice hired.
Dave added, “The recent announcements have given businesses even more reason to consider employing an apprentice. Since this extra funding was announced, our team have experienced a significant increase in the number of employers contacting us to find out more, with thirteen new apprenticeship vacancies going live in July.
Apprenticeships and traineeships are now in the spotlight both nationally and locally. It’s reassuring that, from the survey results and recent enquiries, Somerset employers are committed to helping our economy recover, by employing and supporting new talent to benefit their organisation’s recovery.”
The SS&L Employer Engagement Team are here to support you and your workforce needs, answer your questions about apprenticeships and offer advice.
To arrange a free phone or Zoom consultation to discuss how we can help your school, business or organisation, please email or start a live chat.
We look forward to hearing from you!