Meet our February 2024 winner…

Congratulations to St James Medical Centre, Taunton on becoming the latest winner of our Apprentice Employer of the Month award.
St James have taken on three new apprentices over the last few months, showing their commitment to supporting the development of local talent within Somerset. We have been working with them since Autumn 2023 and they plan to continue recruiting apprentices with us.
Vicky Tayler, Apprentice Mentor at St James Medical Centre, says, “The apprentice I have mentored is a great listener, empathetic, and has fitted in really well.”
Tracey Pike, Practice Manager, added, “We like to support young people in the community. I was an apprentice at the start of my career, so I am very supportive of the apprenticeship scheme.”
Mark, the SS&L Account Manager, says, “SS&L has been working with St James Medical Centre since November last year. During this time, they have already appointed three apprentices, showing their commitment to supporting and providing career development opportunities for local people in Somerset. They are a well-deserving winner of our Employer of the Month Award for February 2024.”
Congratulations to everyone involved, and we look forward to continuing to work together!
If you think an Apprenticeship could be for you, we have many vacancies avaiable. If you’re an employer looking to tap into the talent in Somerset or keen to offer your staff training and development, please give us a call on 0330 332 7997 to discuss how we can help you.