Meet the Tutor… Simon Godly-Kelly
On which course are you a tutor?
English GCSE, Functional Skills English, and Maths.
Why did you become a tutor?
I became a tutor because I love that each day is different and unpredictable. When life becomes too formulaic and routine, I find it can stop you from discovering the joys of life. I also enjoy meeting and supporting all our brilliant learners!
What is the most interesting aspect of the course you deliver?
Language is fascinating! Understanding how it works can help us to think for ourselves.
What experiences of your own do you bring to the course?
I have been teaching in the UK and Japan for 15 years.
What do you love about working for SS&L?
I love that SS&L is genuinely committed to helping people.
If you were stuck in a lift with someone, who would it be and why?
I would prefer to be stuck with someone who would take the opportunity to have a quiet sleep because that’s what I would be doing!
What is your most annoying habit?
My most annoying habit is always thinking that I am right!