Pre-Apprenticeship Thursday – Inspiring Others

As part of National Apprenticeship Week not only do we showcase some of our shining stars in the Apprenticeship world, but we also love to share stories about our Pre-Apprentices (Trainees) and how they’re getting on!
Here’s Florence’s story…

📚 Florence Stanley
Teaching Assistant Trainee to Apprentice
Having left school in Year 9, with no qualifications or skills, Florence knew she needed some training to get into work. She began a Teaching Assistant Traineeship in March 2022, achieving Level 1 maths & Level 2 English, whilst completing work experience at St Cuthberts Academy.
On completion of her Pre-Apprenticeship, Florence progressed on to a Teaching Assistant Apprenticeship at St Cuthberts and hopes to stay there for the foreseeable future. She plans to achieve her English GCSE and would love to be a museum curator in the future!
Florence’s confidence has grown and she feels like a completely different person. She gets out more and loves meeting new people. Her employer has also given Florence glowing feedback…
“Florence started as a Trainee last summer and was then employed on an Apprenticeship with us as of September. She was a great help and kindly volunteered to spend extra days helping out as I was short of a TA. Very quickly, she was carrying out the jobs of a class TA and learning how to change books, take groups for learning and lead an activity within the classroom. Her confidence grew, the more time she spent with the children and they looked to her as a trusted adult.
Now fast forward to January 2023 and we have worked closely and well for the past 5 months. Florence takes on board advice and will act upon it, developing her skills and practice. She has had training in Phonics, intimate care, NELI, first aid, safeguarding and prevent. She is now delivering NELI to a group of children and as well as this has three intervention groups that she runs daily.
Florence is able to take charge of a groups learning for the week and follow the planning she is given, delivering the learning the children require. She is adaptable and can work with both the Reception and Year 1 children. She has now been challenged to plan and set up a tough tray activity linked to the topic each week which she is keen to do.
The parents have commented how her presence and demeanour has really supported and helped their child settle into school and they are grateful for her care. Florence works well as part of our team and gets on well with the other Teaching Assistants in the school. The children are able to approach Florence and they have a good relationship with her which is filled with mutual respect.” Rebecca Harvey, Teacher, St. Cuthberts Academy
We hope National Apprenticeship Week 2023 inspires you to discover skills for life, whether for yourself, someone you know or an employee! If you have any questions, please contact one of our team on 0330 332 7997, use Live Chat below or complete the contact us form.
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